Commercial Access Control Systems

Access Control Systems in Kansas City

Access control systems are essential for maintaining the security and integrity of any facility. They help in managing who has access to specific areas within a building, ensuring that only authorized personnel can enter restricted zones.

In addition to enhancing security, access systems can also improve operational efficiency by streamlining the process of granting and revoking access. This is particularly important in environments where security is a top priority, such as data centers, research labs, and government buildings.

Access control is crucial for enhancing security in commercial buildings in Kansas City. They provide benefits such as physical access control, touchless control, video surveillance, integrations, and sensors, creating a safer and more secure environment for employees and stakeholders.

What Is Access Control?

Access Control is the selective restriction of access to your home or business. The simplest of access control systems is a door key. Key access, though is limited in flexibility and security. The basics of a good Access Control System should allow you to:

  • Restrict access to specific people on certain days and/or times of days
  • Restrict general access to certain days and/or times of days
  • Track when access was given
  • Immediately add or eliminate access to the facility
  • Eliminate the issues with keys and re-keying of doors & locks on a regular basis

Modern access control systems are particularly beneficial for Kansas City businesses, offering advanced security features like touchless access, surveillance, integrations, and sensors to ensure the safety of commercial buildings.

The Jade SecureCard System

The Jade SecureCard system utilizes many types of card and fob readers including bio-metric hand readers. As well as covering the basics of Access Control, the system’s feature set includes:

  • Photo ID Badging
  • Guard Tour
  • Elevator Control
  • Workstation Event Filtering
  • CCTV Control
  • Interactive Animated Graphical Maps
  • “Who Is In” Report
  • Enhanced System Communication

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Trusted, Dependable Security

Some of the most selective organizations in the world put their trust in Jade’s Access Control system. SecureCard is approved by the Department of Homeland Security for school lock-down scenarios. The system is also approved by Department of Defense due to its high level of encryption capability.

Along with the benefits of its robust feature set, Jade SecureCard offers unparalleled system dependability. In the event of a power failure the system will continue to function. It will operate even if the communication link with our Central Station Monitoring Command Center is lost due to lines being down in inclement weather. SecureCard significantly enhances physical security for commercial buildings by integrating touchless access control, surveillance, and remote operations to protect assets and ensure swift responses to security threats.

Custom Fitted to Your Needs

Jade Alarm Co. systems are extremely flexible and easy to use. Each individual is assigned a card or fob. That device is then assigned a position within a matrix that is setup for your establishment. This matrix allows or denies access based upon the authority level of this individual card or fob. If someone attempts to enter when they are not allowed, this will show on reports that we can generate for you. Access control solutions enhance security in commercial buildings by eliminating physical keys, providing various access options, and enabling remote control and monitoring through cloud-hosted software.

You can choose to self-administer your SecureCard system or have it remotely administered by our Central Station Monitoring Command Center in our secured facility. Approximately 85% of our valued customers choose to have Jade administer their system for them, secure in knowing that we are there to assist immediately if there is an emergency.

Flexibility & Freedom

An example of the type of flexibility and freedom a SecureCard system administered by Jade provides:


A managed access control system is a security solution where access control tasks, such as system updates, user credential management (ie; cards, fobs or biometric), and report generation, are handled by Jade Alarm’s Central Station staff. This differs from traditional access control where the system is managed in-house. The key advantages of managed access control are that it can save time, reduce internal workload, provide expert oversight, and offer up-to-date security measures without requiring direct management from the property owner or company. Additionally, several levels of staff at Jade Alarm are knowledgeable so if someone is ill or on vacation the required request is still processed! We have see occasions where the initial installation of a ‘fancy’ access system has become unused due to the administration of the system has been its downfall with the computer being set aside as the person knowledgeable on the system’s operation had left the employment. Working with experienced access control installers can ensure that your managed access control system is properly integrated and maintained.

Implementing a managed access control system for your business brings numerous advantages. The burden on your internal team is lessened as the system is expertly managed, allowing them to concentrate on essential business operations. It’s also cost-effective, eliminating the need for specialized staff recruitment and training. The security of your system is enhanced due to the managed services’ knowledge of the latest security threats and technologies. These services provide 24/7 administration as well as monitoring for immediate response to any security breaches. As your business expands, the system can be easily adjusted to meet new needs. Lastly, these managed services can aid in ensuring your business remains compliant with industry-related security regulations as well as software updates to make use of the system easier and its security stronger.

For Kansas City businesses, managed access control systems offer significant benefits, including modern security technology such as touchless access control, surveillance, integrations, and sensors to enhance the security of commercial buildings.

Access control data is managed within the system using a centralized database, which stores all access permissions and user credentials. This database is constantly updated to reflect changes in access rights. It’s encrypted for security and is stored on the local controller. The data is backed up regularly to prevent loss. Access to this data is strictly controlled at Jade Alarm’s secured facility.

Additionally, the convenience of managing access control data through a mobile device allows for easy control and management from any location.

Yes, a managed access control system can provide audit trails and reports for access activity. This feature allows you to track who accessed which areas at what times, providing a clear record of all access events. These reports are useful for investigations, compliance purposes, and for identifying any unusual or unauthorized access patterns. You just need to make Jade Alarm Co. aware how often you wish the reports to be sent to you!

Managing access and enhancing physical security through these audit trails and reports ensures that you can secure your property efficiently and focus on your daily responsibilities without worry.

Yes, a managed access control system can provide audit trails and reports for access activity. This feature allows you to track who accessed which areas at what times, providing a clear record of all access events. These reports are useful for investigations, compliance purposes, and for identifying any unusual or unauthorized access patterns. You just need to make Jade Alarm Co. aware how often you wish the reports to be sent to you!

Adding or removing users from an access control system is typically straightforward. You just need to contact the Central Station and make your request as to any changes and shortly these request(s) will be accomplished – no muss / no fuss!